Candela Vbeam Perfecta
Candela Vbeam Perfecta Laser is the one of the world’s best-selling pulsed-dye lasers (PDL). Featuring the most advanced PDL technology. This system has been regarded over more than 15 years as the gold standard treatment for vascular (blood vessels-related) conditions including rosacea, red cheeks, facial flushing, broken capillaries, vascular birthmark (Port Wine Stain) and extremely useful for red vascular scars and stretch marks (striae).
What Vbeam Perfecta Is For
Candela Vbeam Perfecta Laser is a must-have laser with over 20 FDA cleared indications. Easy to use. Proven time and again for treatment of a wide array of vascular, pigmented, and certain non-pigmented lesions, with a low incidence of side effects. Just look at all the ways your practice can use the Vbeam Perfecta pulsed-dye laser (PDL).
The Candela Vbeam Perfecta Laser is a flashlamp-excited, pulsed dye laser indicated for the treatment of benign cutaneous vascular lesions, benign vascular gynecological lesions and periorbital wrinkles.
Indications where purpura is a desired endpoint
- Port wine stains
- Spider angioma
- Scars
- Cherry angioma
- Hemangioma
- Venous lakes
- Warts (non-facial)
- Striae
- Psoriasis
Key Benefits
- Results without compromise through the Vbeam Perfecta lasers unique combination of advanced technologies
1. Micropulse PDL Technology enables you to treat with or without purpura.
2. Perfecta’s 595 nm wavelength perfectly blends depth of penetration into tissue and high absorption of hemoglobin
3. Our distinctive, cryogen-based Dynamic Cooling Device (DCD) is operator-independent and scales with fluence to consistently protect the epidermis - Use 595 nm to treat tough discolorations and abnormalities, including reds, superficial browns, and even the most resistant vascular lesions.
- Benign pigmented lesions
- Benign vascular lesions
- Dyschromia
- Facial telangiectasia
- Inflammatory acne vulgaris
- Leg veins
- Nasal telangiectasia
- Photo-rejuvenation
- Poikiloderma
- Post-procedural bruising
- Telangectatic matting
- Wrinkles
- Cherry angioma
- Hemangioma
- Port wine stains
- Psoriasis
- Scars
- Spider angioma
- Striae
- Venous lakes
- Warts (non-facial)